Dark Ages (1970-1980)- Mare Blu (Dark sea): one of the first oil canvas done in '70 in high school
- Tramonto (Sunset): Oil painting canvas
| | | Mare Blu | Tramonto |
Fauve Age ('90)- Pi-Anta: Oil painting done on a cupboard door (anta)of my first home
- Paesaggio: Oil painting canvas (fauve period)
- E' il 18 e il whisky è già finito: It is the 18th of the month and the whisky is already finished (1992)
| Pi-anta | Paesaggio |
| E' il 18... | Città verde |
Norwegian Paintings:
- Fiordo Estate: view of the Fiord of my Nesoya house (Summer 2007)
- Fiordo Autunno: view of the Fiord of my Nesoya house (Fall 2007)
- Autoritratto Norvegese: Self-portrait (2008)
- Fiordo Oslotano: Another Fiord near Oslo (2008)
| Fiordo Estate | Fiordo Autunno |
| Autoritratto | Fiordo Oslotano |
Back in Milano (2012-14):
- Siamo Soli: We are sun Oil painting canvas done in 2012 in a time of solitude...
- Sempre più soli: More and More Suns (Jan 2014)
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